How is micro-current effective?
We hear more and more about micro-current and its ability to lift, tone and sculpt the skin. But is it truly effective?
Traditional vs Modern facial acupuncture: which one is best suited for you.
Here at the clinic, I offer two types of facial acupuncture that I have titled ‘’Modern’’ and ‘’Traditional’’. What are the differences and similarities for these treatments and what to consider before booking?
La luminothérapie pour raviver le teint en hiver. Low level light therapy to beat the winter blues away.
Research has shown that LED light therapy can help smooth skin texture, improve skin firmness and resilience, increase lymphatic system activity, restore natural skin cell activity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and superficial hyperpigmentation.
La luminothérapie de bas niveau favorise une réaction photobiochimique naturelle similaire au processus de photosynthèse des plantes. Il a été démontré que l'énergie délivrée par les diodes électroluminescentes (DEL) améliore le métabolisme cellulaire, accélère la réparation et la reconstitution des cellules cutanées endommagées, ainsi que stimule la production de collagène - la base d'une peau saine et lisse.