How massage therapy is good for your brain
It’s a universal experience that a good massage leaves you relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed, but did you know that many of these positive effects actually come from the brain? Let us explore the effects that massage therapy as on the brain - you’ll see that the benefits go well beyond the physical feel-good sensations!
How I got here
It was 20 years ago that I took my first class in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). At 22 years old, I was the youngest of my class. I studied shiatsu (acupressure massage) and herbal medicine, got my diploma and license to practice as a massage therapist and started working full time in 2005.
Heat vs Cold therapy
In the recent months, the craze has been all about cryotherapy. We hear about it on social media and it’s praised in the beauty, health and fitness world. It seems to have all the virtues! And while it’s definitely not false, it’s also not entirely true. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), cold therapy actually doesn’t have the greatest of reputation. Pretty much everything we do in TCM is to protect from invasion of cold! It’s not to say that cold therapy is necessarily bad for you, but as anything, sometimes too much of one good thing is not great or needs to be counterbalanced with its opposite. Food for thought :)
The many benefits of cupping therapy
Cupping therapy increases local blood pressure and lymph circulation, relives muscles tensions, improves overall blood flow, loosen fascia and promote cell repair. It also helps resolve swelling and pain. With so many benefits, it’s only natural cupping therapy has grown so popular over the past years as an effective alternative and all natural healing therapy.
How to feel better during the change of season
How to feel better when the days get shorter
The story behind the logo.
More than just a logo, the story behind this traditional Chinese seal.
How to clear summer acne
I had never made the connection between sweat, sunscreen and pimples. I constantly protect myself from the sun because I love to be active in the outdoors during the summer months, but I had never thought of adapting my face routine to the season. This post will show you what you can do to quickly and effectively clear your skin from mild acne.
How is micro-current effective?
We hear more and more about micro-current and its ability to lift, tone and sculpt the skin. But is it truly effective?
Acupuncture faciale traditionnelle et moderne : quel traitement s’adresse le mieux à vous ?
À la clinique, j'offre deux types d'acupuncture faciale que j'ai intitulées « Moderne » et « Traditionnelle ». On me demande souvent quel type de traitement sera le plus efficace pour atténuer les rides ou définir le contour du visage et la réponse n’est pas si simple. En réalité, les deux traitements sont très efficaces, mais ils ne fonctionnent pas de la même façon.
Je vous expose ici quelles sont les différences et les similitudes entre ces traitements et ce qu’il faut faut considérer avant de réserver !
Traditional vs Modern facial acupuncture: which one is best suited for you.
Here at the clinic, I offer two types of facial acupuncture that I have titled ‘’Modern’’ and ‘’Traditional’’. What are the differences and similarities for these treatments and what to consider before booking?
La luminothérapie pour raviver le teint en hiver. Low level light therapy to beat the winter blues away.
Research has shown that LED light therapy can help smooth skin texture, improve skin firmness and resilience, increase lymphatic system activity, restore natural skin cell activity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and superficial hyperpigmentation.
La luminothérapie de bas niveau favorise une réaction photobiochimique naturelle similaire au processus de photosynthèse des plantes. Il a été démontré que l'énergie délivrée par les diodes électroluminescentes (DEL) améliore le métabolisme cellulaire, accélère la réparation et la reconstitution des cellules cutanées endommagées, ainsi que stimule la production de collagène - la base d'une peau saine et lisse.
Qu’est-ce que le micro courant ? What is micro current?
Les micro courants renforcent et égalisent les muscles faciaux et les tissus conjonctifs, minimisant les rides. Le courant stimule les muscles, la croissance cellulaire et la production de collagène dans la couche dermique.
Micro currents strengthen and equalize facial muscles and connective tissue, minimizing wrinkles. The current stimulates muscles, cell growth and collagen production in the dermal layer.
Qu’est-ce que l’acupression ? What is acupressure?
L’acupression est un soin complet visant à rétablir l’harmonie et l’équilibre du corps et de l'esprit. À à la fois profondément relaxant et revigorant, ce soin convient aussi bien aux sportifs qu'aux plus sédentaires d’entre vous.
Acupressure is complete treatment to aims to restore harmony and balance of body and mind. Both deeply relaxing and invigorating, this form of treatment is suitable for athletes as well as the more sedentary individual.
Not all facial acupuncture treatment are created equal
What goes on inside your body will reflects on your skin. Facial acupuncture aims to rebalance and restore your body’s natural state of health to reveal your best, most radiant skin ever.
Ce qui se passe à l'intérieur de votre corps se reflétera sur votre peau. L'acupuncture faciale vise à rééquilibrer et à restaurer l'état de santé naturel de votre corps pour révéler votre peau la plus radieuse tous les temps.
Masque à l’avoine, fait maison
Cette recette fait un masque simple, idéal pour hydrater et exfolier en douceur la peau. Le miel est un humectant naturel, ce qui signifie qu'il aide la peau à absorber et à retenir l'humidité, la gardant pulpeuse et lisse. Doté de propriétés antimicrobiennes et antibactériennes, le miel est également efficace contre l'acné et les points noirs.
This recipe makes a simple mask, ideal for hydrating and gently exfoliating the skin. Honey is a natural humectant , meaning it helps the skin absorb and retain moisture, keeping it plump and smooth. Being packed with anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties, honey is also effective against acne and black heads.
Why choose facial acupuncture as a beauty treatment?
Why choose facial acupuncture? It’s more than a beauty treatment, it’s an ode to slow living.
Acupuncture for season’s change
The change of season is upon us. We notice it in the coolness of the evenings, in the days that get shorter and in the colors of the foliage that quietly change.
Nature is full of beauty in all seasons. But inside, these changes are not always experienced so peacefully or harmoniously. Learn how acupuncture can help with transitions like the change of season.
Stretch your Lung channel
Makko ho are simple stretches similar to yoga or Qi Gong. They are meant to activate TCM energy channels. Boost your immune system and activate your Lung Channel with this simple exercice.