How to clear summer acne
I had never made the connection between sweat, sunscreen and pimples. I constantly protect myself from the sun because I love to be active in the outdoors during the summer months, but I had never thought of adapting my face routine to the season. This post will show you what you can do to quickly and effectively clear your skin from mild acne.
Traditional vs Modern facial acupuncture: which one is best suited for you.
Here at the clinic, I offer two types of facial acupuncture that I have titled ‘’Modern’’ and ‘’Traditional’’. What are the differences and similarities for these treatments and what to consider before booking?
Masque à l’avoine, fait maison
Cette recette fait un masque simple, idéal pour hydrater et exfolier en douceur la peau. Le miel est un humectant naturel, ce qui signifie qu'il aide la peau à absorber et à retenir l'humidité, la gardant pulpeuse et lisse. Doté de propriétés antimicrobiennes et antibactériennes, le miel est également efficace contre l'acné et les points noirs.
This recipe makes a simple mask, ideal for hydrating and gently exfoliating the skin. Honey is a natural humectant , meaning it helps the skin absorb and retain moisture, keeping it plump and smooth. Being packed with anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties, honey is also effective against acne and black heads.
Why choose facial acupuncture as a beauty treatment?
Why choose facial acupuncture? It’s more than a beauty treatment, it’s an ode to slow living.