Heat vs Cold therapy
In the recent months, the craze has been all about cryotherapy. We hear about it on social media and it’s praised in the beauty, health and fitness world. It seems to have all the virtues! And while it’s definitely not false, it’s also not entirely true. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), cold therapy actually doesn’t have the greatest of reputation. Pretty much everything we do in TCM is to protect from invasion of cold! It’s not to say that cold therapy is necessarily bad for you, but as anything, sometimes too much of one good thing is not great or needs to be counterbalanced with its opposite. Food for thought :)

The many benefits of cupping therapy
Cupping therapy increases local blood pressure and lymph circulation, relives muscles tensions, improves overall blood flow, loosen fascia and promote cell repair. It also helps resolve swelling and pain. With so many benefits, it’s only natural cupping therapy has grown so popular over the past years as an effective alternative and all natural healing therapy.