How to clear summer acne
Facial acupuncture, Health and beauty, Natural skin care Stéphanie Gilbert Facial acupuncture, Health and beauty, Natural skin care Stéphanie Gilbert

How to clear summer acne

I had never made the connection between sweat, sunscreen and pimples. I constantly protect myself from the sun because I love to be active in the outdoors during the summer months, but I had never thought of adapting my face routine to the season. This post will show you what you can do to quickly and effectively clear your skin from mild acne.

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Qu’est-ce que le micro courant ? What is micro current?

Qu’est-ce que le micro courant ? What is micro current?

Les micro courants renforcent et égalisent les muscles faciaux et les tissus conjonctifs, minimisant les rides. Le courant stimule les muscles, la croissance cellulaire et la production de collagène dans la couche dermique.

Micro currents strengthen and equalize facial muscles and connective tissue, minimizing wrinkles. The current stimulates muscles, cell growth and collagen production in the dermal layer.

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